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Tales about the cradle of Western civilisation, from Socrates and the first democracies to the fall of the Roman Empire, the Ottoman yoke, and Britain’s part in the fight for independence.
There are fifty-three posts in The Copy Book
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Rudyard Kipling believed that a better appreciation of ancient Greece and Rome could help the English be less insular.
Art Appreciation
ByBenjamin Robert Haydon
Some years before the Elgin marbles were put on display in the British Museum, rising artist Benjamin Haydon got a sneak preview.
ByJohn Buchan
Sir Edward Leithen finds himself revising his opinion of the ‘detestable’ Koré Arabin.
Christ is Risen!
ByFelicia Skene
Felicia Skene recalls the Easter celebrations on one emotionally-charged night in Athens
Treat Me Like a King!
ByFlavius Arrianus
When Porus, the Indian king, surrendered to Alexander the
Great at Jhelum, he had only one request to make of him.
The Grandest of All Sepulchres
On the annual Remembrance Day of ancient Athens, Pericles rose to remind the
people of the City that grief alone was not the best way to honour the fallen.