
Character and Conduct

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Scottish History

The Spider and the King

Sir Walter Scott tells of the tale of how a little spider inspired Robert the Bruce to win his country’s sovereignty.

Modern History

A Near Thing

During the Battle of Inkerman in 1854, one of Lord Raglan’s hospital sergeants had a close encounter with a Russian cannonball.

Character and Conduct

The Central People of the World

Some wanted Britain on a path to being a thoroughly European nation, but William Monypenny wanted her at the world’s crossroads.

Character and Conduct

A Spirit of Self-Reliance

William Gladstone urges Government not to take away from people the things they have a right to do for themselves.

Scottish History

A Defective Education

Sir Walter Scott tells the story of how a distinguished Scottish professor nearly became Little John to Scotland’s Robin Hood.

Scottish History

The Honours of Scotland

Sir Walter Scott described how the long-forgotten crown jewels of the Scottish Kings came to light again.