
Modern History

in The Copy Book

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Captain Moorsom’s ‘Revenge’

The Whitby man held his nerve to keep five enemy ships busy at Trafalgar, and subsequently led Nelson’s funeral procession.


The Love of the Lindseys

Young Montague Bertie, Lord Willougby, tended his dying father behind enemy lines.


The Character of Horatio Lord Nelson

High praise from someone who knew him better than most.


Jemima Fawr and the Last Invasion of Britain

French revolutionaries in a fleet of four ships attempted to spark a revolution in Britain.


Queen Charlotte’s Christmas Tree

Cromwell’s killjoys almost silenced the English Christmas, but thanks to a royal family tradition the message is still being proclaimed.


The ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688

King James II was forced off the throne in favour of his daughter Mary, and a new English constitution was born.