
Passages attributed to Clay Lane 544 posts Page 1 of 91

Georgian Era

Trouble at Belsize Gardens

In 1720, Welsh promoter William Howell opened a pleasure garden at Belsize House, but the pleasures drew the magistrates’ frowns.


The Fisherman’s Net

A little fable from ancient Greece about those political activists who make a living from stirring up controversy.

Russian History

Timur in Russia

Timur, Muslim lord of Samarkand, threw his weight behind the Golden Horde’s subjugation of Christian Russia, with unexpected results.

Indian Myths

The Raven and the Snake

A harassed mother Raven vows bloody revenge on a venomous Snake, but the wily old Jackal has a better idea.

Indian Myths

The Heron and the Crab

An ageing Heron finds himself a little too stiff to fish for himself, so he thinks of a way to get the fish to do it for him.

Greek and Roman Myths

The Doom of the Danaides

By day Danaus had to watch his fifty unhappy daughters marry their fifty cruel cousins, but the wedding night was yet to come.