
Extracts from Poetry

in The Copy Book

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Nature’s Harmony

William Wordsworth looks back on a life of disappointments and regrets, and finds in them reasons to be thankful.


The Gods of the Copybook Headings

After the devastation of the Great War, calls rose for a new economic and social system, and to put the wisdom of our forebears behind us.


‘To Thine Own Self Be True’

Standing on the dockside with Laertes, who is eager to board ship for Paris, Polonius takes a moment to share some fatherly wisdom.


The Candidate

William Cowper’s peace was shattered by the arrival of a Parliamentary candidate doorstepping his Buckinghamshire constituents.


A Kitten’s Jest

In ‘Familiarity Dangerous,’ poet William Cowper tells a little tale warning that if you join in the game you play by the rules.


Home Thoughts from the Sea

Robert Browning, aboard ship in sight of Gibraltar, reflects on the momentous events in British history that have happened nearby.