
William Wordsworth

in The Copy Book

There are seven posts in The Copy Book credited to William Wordsworth. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)


Milton! Thou Shouldst be Living at this Hour

William Wordsworth comes back from France and realises with a shock what his own country has become.


On Westminster Bridge

On his way to war-torn France, William Wordsworth passed through London and was overwhelmed by the quiet of the early morning.


Nature’s Harmony

William Wordsworth looks back on a life of disappointments and regrets, and finds in them reasons to be thankful.


It is a Beauteous Evening

Walking with his ten-year-old daughter on the beach at Calais, Wordsworth considers the energy of God moving in all things.


The Kitten on the Wall

William Wordsworth watches a playful kitten, and makes himself a promise.


The Rainbow

God’s covenant of love is a fresh joy every time it appears.