
Poets and Poetry

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Poets and Poetry

The Candidate

William Cowper’s peace was shattered by the arrival of a Parliamentary candidate doorstepping his Buckinghamshire constituents.

Poets and Poetry

A Kitten’s Jest

In ‘Familiarity Dangerous,’ poet William Cowper tells a little tale warning that if you join in the game you play by the rules.

Poets and Poetry

Home Thoughts from the Sea

Robert Browning, aboard ship in sight of Gibraltar, reflects on the momentous events in British history that have happened nearby.

Poets and Poetry

Winter Wisdom

William Cowper feels he has learnt more on one short walk than in many hours of study.

Poets and Poetry

The Jackdaw

A bird perched upon a church steeple casts a severe glance over the doings of men.

Poets and Poetry

It is a Beauteous Evening

Walking with his ten-year-old daughter on the beach at Calais, Wordsworth considers the energy of God moving in all things.