
Lives of the Saints

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Lives of the Saints

St Ahmed

A Turkish official was itching to know the secret behind a Russian slave girl’s personal charm.

Lives of the Saints

Redeemed for Five Shillings

Elfric, the tenth-century English abbot, suggests a practical way of thinking about the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Lives of the Saints

The Bearded Foreigner

A Japanese swordsman confronts a Russian monk for... actually, he’s not really quite sure.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert, the Bridle and the Book

One of England’s most precious artefacts, the Lindisfarne Gospels, was nearly lost at sea.

Lives of the Saints

St Nicholas the Wet

Two frantic parents implore St Nicholas’s help in rescuing their baby boy.

Mediaeval History

Wenceslaus: A Life for a Life

By Divine providence, the shocking murder of Good King Wenceslas led to a flowering of Christian faith in Europe.