
Elfric of Eynsham

in The Copy Book

There are thirteen posts in The Copy Book credited to Elfric of Eynsham. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)


The Martyrdom of St Edmund the King

Edmund, King of the East Angles, is given a stark choice by the Viking warrior who has ravaged his realm.


Angels and Men Agree

The birth of Jesus Christ fundamentally changed the relationship between mankind and the angels.


Water into Wine

Abbot Elfric explains the significance of Christ’s miracle at Cana.


Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

Abbot Elfric unpacks the meaning of the gifts of the Three Wise Men.


The Christmas Egg

Anglo-Saxon abbot Elfric tentatively likened the new-born Jesus to an egg.


Undoubting Thomas

Abbot Elfric praised St Thomas for demanding hard evidence for the resurrection.