
Mediaeval History

in The Copy Book

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Hugh Hammer-King

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, was kind to children and animals but Kings merited firmer handling.


The Beautiful Side of the Picture

Heathen prince Boris I of Bulgaria (r. 852–889) commissioned St Methodius to paint an impressive scene for his palace walls.


‘Let the boy earn his spurs!’

At the Battle of Crécy in 1346, the English army was trying out a new military tactic under the command of a sixteen-year-old boy.


St George, Patron Saint of England

George served in the Roman army and lies buried in Israel, yet he makes an ideal patron for England.


The Battle of the Winwaed

In 655, the future of England as a Christian nation hung by the slenderest of threads.


The Battle of Hastings

After King Edward the Confessor died childless, Europe’s princes stepped forward to claim the prize of England’s crown.