Solomon recommends taking lessons from one of God’s smallest but most hard-working creatures.
The Book of Proverbs is traditionally ascribed to Solomon, son of King David, and himself King of Israel early in the tenth century BC, though as with the Psalms some of it was compiled from the works of other authors, and some is of later date. The following passage was translated into English for the Authorized Version of 1611, and the result is quite masterly.
Posted February 20
Jigsaws: Join this group of ideas together to make a single sentence, in as many ways as you can. See if you can include any of the words in square brackets.
The ant works hard. People should copy ants. They should not be lazy. [Example. Instead. Rather.]
Tags: Copy Book (94)
Picture: © Tim Felce, Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.