The Tale of Years

The clock in Victoria railway station, Bombay.

By A. Savin, Wikimedia Comons. Free Art Licence. Source
Tale of Years


in The Copy Book

There are three posts in The Copy Book assigned to 1660. To see all our posts in chronological order, go to the Tale of Years.

How the Pepyses Kept Twelfth Day

In the family of Samuel Pepys, the Feast of the Epiphany was kept with music, cake and quaint traditions.


A Corant On the Heath

Highwayman Claude Du Vall robbed a carriage on Hampstead Heath in the most courteous manner imaginable.


The Return of King Charles II

Almost nine years after Oliver Cromwell’s army drove him from England, King Charles II returned at their invitation, and John Evelyn was there to see it.
