Edmund Burke MP explained to the new secularist French Revolutionaries that if you reject Christian self-control, the government will impose its own morality, and then you won’t be free anymore.
MEN are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites, - in proportion as their love to justice is above their rapacity, - in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption, - in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves.
Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.
It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.
Six Questions for Critics
1. What has the author tried to do?
2. How has he fulfilled his intention?
3. What is he striving to express?
4. How has he expressed it?
5. What impression does his work make on me?
6. How can I best express this impression?
From The English Critic (1939) by NL Clay, drawing on The New Criticism: A Lecture Delivered at Columbia University, March 9, 1910, by J. E. Spingarn, Professor of Comparative Literature in Columbia University, USA.
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Word Games
Spinners Find in Think and Speak
For each group of words, compose a sentence that uses all three. You can use any form of the word: for example, cat → cats, go → went, or quick → quickly, though neigh → neighbour is stretching it a bit.
This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.
1 Chain. Counsel. Justice.
2 Man. Passion. Sound.
3 Free. Intemperate. Moral.
Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)
Homophones Find in Think and Speak
In each group below, you will find words that sound the same, but differ in spelling and also in meaning. Compose your own sentences to bring out the differences between them.
This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.
Homonyms Find in Think and Speak
Each of the words below has more than one possible meaning. Compose your own sentences to show what those different meanings are.
This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.
1. Exact. 2. Free. 3. Own. 4. Man.
Show Suggestions
For each word above, choose one or more suitable meanings from this list.
1. Take by force. 2. Possess. 3. Provide the crew for. 4. A male person. 5. Belonging to oneself. 6. Unrestrained, liberated. 7. Precise. 8. Without charge. 9. An island in the Irish Sea. 10. Admit.
High Tiles Find in Think and Speak
Make words (three letters or more) from the seven letters showing below, using any letter once only. Each letter carries a score. What is the highest-scoring word you can make?
Your Words ()
Show All Words (113)
Pedlars. (10) Spread. (9) Spared. (9) Rasped. (9) Pleads. (9) Pedlar. (9) Pedals. (9) Parsed. (9) Padres. (9) Lapsed. (9) Drapes. (9) Spade. (8) Raped. (8) Plead. (8) Pedal. (8) Pearls. (8) Pared. (8) Paled. (8) Padre. (8) Drape. (8) Sped. (7) Spear. (7) Spare. (7) Sepal. (7) Reaps. (7) Rapes. (7) Pled. (7) Pleas. (7) Pears. (7) Pearl. (7) Peals. (7) Parse. (7) Pares. (7) Pales. (7) Paler. (7) Pads. (7) Leaps. (7) Lapse. (7) Aped. (7) Alders. (7) Spar. (6) Slap. (6) Reps. (6) Reap. (6) Reads. (6) Rasp. (6) Raps. (6) Rape. (6) Plea. (6) Peas. (6) Pear. (6) Peal. (6) Pare. (6) Pals. (6) Pale. (6) Pad. (6) Leap. (6) Leads. (6) Lards. (6) Laps. (6) Dears. (6) Deals. (6) Dares. (6) Dales. (6) Apse. (6) Apes. (6) Alder. (6) Spa. (5) Sled. (5) Sap. (5) Rep. (5) Reds. (5) Read. (5) Rap. (5) Per. (5) Pea. (5) Pas. (5) Par. (5) Pal. (5) Lead. (5) Laser. (5) Lard. (5) Lap. (5) Lads. (5) Earls. (5) Dear. (5) Deal. (5) Dare. (5) Dale. (5) Asp. (5) Ape. (5) Sera. (4) Sear. (4) Seal. (4) Sale. (4) Sad. (4) Red. (4) Real. (4) Led. (4) Leas. (4) Lad. (4) Eras. (4) Ears. (4) Earl. (4) Ares. (4) Ales. (4) Ads. (4) Sea. (3) Lea. (3) Era. (3) Ear. (3) Are. (3) Ale. (3)
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