
Edmund Burke

in The Copy Book

There are twelve posts in The Copy Book tagged Edmund Burke. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Politics and the Pulpit

Edmund Burke begged the clergy of England to give us all a break from the twenty-four-hour news cycle.


Wait and See

Edmund Burke urged Englishmen not to congratulate the French revolutionaries on their new-found liberty until they knew what they would do with it.


A Dereliction of Duty

Edmund Burke tore into the directors of the East India Company, accusing them of doing less for the country than India’s mediaeval conquerors.


English Spirit

Edmund Burke told the House of Commons that the American colonies’ refusal to be dictated to by Westminster was the very spirit that had made the Empire great.


This Dreadful Innovation

Edmund Burke explained to the Duke of Bedford that in politics there is very great difference between change and reform.


My Standard of a Statesman

Edmund Burke expressed his frustration at the arrogance of politicians who have no regard for our Constitutional heritage.