
British History 494 posts Page 1 of 83


Lives of the Saints

On Holy Ground

A traveller went into a Shropshire pub looking for information about a patch of grass with peculiar properties.

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for British History

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Discovery and Invention

The First Steam Whistle

After an accident at a level crossing, the bosses of the Leicester and Swannington Railway acknowledged that drivers needed more than lung power.

Indian History

Seeds of Empire

The British Empire may be said to have started when Elizabethan importers got into a fight with the Dutch over the price of pepper.

Indian History

Sing Us a Song of Zion

The Sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra welcomed his guests from Christian England with an unexpected gesture of friendship.

Discovery and Invention

Private Risk, Public Benefit

For George Stephenson, the motto of the Stockton and Darlington Railway was a code to live by.

International Relations

A Passion for Meddling

Richard Cobden questioned both the wisdom and the motives of politicians who intervene on foreign soil.


Left Holding the Baby

A gentleman travelling home from London by train reached his destination carrying more than he set out with.