Edmund Burke, MP for Bristol, would have had little truck with European ‘harmonisation’. He argued that the job of any government is to judge sensitively, for a particular people, the smallest degree of restraint needed to keep their freedom fresh — in that country, and at that time — and then stop.
LIBERTY, too, must be limited in order to be possessed. The degree of restraint it is impossible in any case to settle precisely.
But it ought to be the constant aim of every wise public council to find out by cautious experiments, and rational, cool endeavours, with how little, not how much, of this restraint the community can subsist. For liberty is a good to be improved, and not an evil to be lessened.
For as the sabbath (though of Divine institution) was made for man, not man for the sabbath, government, which can claim no higher origin or authority, in its exercise at least, ought to conform to the exigencies of the time, and the temper and character of the people with whom it is concerned; and not always to attempt violently to bend the people to their theories of subjection.
English statesman Edmund Burke told the sheriffs of his constituency, Bristol, that liberty requires light and very careful regulation for it to survive. If the restrictions are too heavy or driven by some inflexible ideology unsuited to a specific people, they will strangle liberty and harm the nation. (48 / 60 words)
English statesman Edmund Burke told the sheriffs of his constituency, Bristol, that liberty requires light and very careful regulation for it to survive. If the restrictions are too heavy or driven by some inflexible ideology unsuited to a specific people, they will strangle liberty and harm the nation.
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Variations: 1.increase the length of this precis to exactly 55 words. 2.reduce the length of this precis to exactly 45 words. 3.introduce one of the following words into the precis: about, although, because, besides, if, may, ought, unless.
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Tags: Liberty and Prosperity (169) Edmund Burke (12) Comment and Opinion (87) The British Constitution (33) Extracts from Literature (614) Political Extracts (142) History (956) British History (493) Georgian Era (224)
Word Games
Sevens Based on this passage
Suggest answers to this question. See if you can limit one answer to exactly seven words.
How much liberty can any given society bear, in Burke’s opinion?
The amount should never be fixed precisely. (7 words)
Variations: 1.expand your answer to exactly fourteen words. 2.expand your answer further, to exactly twenty-one words. 3.include one of the following words in your answer: if, but, despite, because, (al)though, unless.
Jigsaws Based on this passage
Express the ideas below in a single sentence, using different words as much as possible. Do not be satisfied with the first answer you think of; think of several, and choose the best.
Liberty is a good to be improved. It is not an evil to be lessened.
Spinners Find in Think and Speak
For each group of words, compose a sentence that uses all three. You can use any form of the word: for example, cat → cats, go → went, or quick → quickly, though neigh → neighbour is stretching it a bit.
This exercise uses words found in the accompanying passage.
1 . Conform. Exercise.
2 Community. Their. Too.
3 Improve. Much. Which.
Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)
Add Vowels Find in Think and Speak
Make words by adding vowels to each group of consonants below. You may add as many vowels as you like before, between or after the consonants, but you may not add any consonants or change the order of those you have been given. See if you can beat our target of common words.
chr (6+3)
See Words
chair. char. cheer. choir. chore. ochre.
chare. cheerio. cohere.
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