The Copy Book

Homeward Bound

The monks of the monastery on Iona are all keeping the same secret from one another.

Part 1 of 2


Anglo-Saxon Britain 410-1066

© Richard Webb, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Homeward Bound

© Richard Webb, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

The monastery at Iona lay on the eastern shore, but the largest patch of flat ground for farming lies about a mile way on the west. A monk taking a direct line between them has to cross some bleak and lumpy upland moors.

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Columba brought twelve monks to Iona in 563. His little community supported itself by farming a fertile plain on the western side of the island, but the monastery stood on the eastern side, and to get home the monks had to trudge across a mile of tumbled upland moors. By half way, the loads they bore at harvest time felt decidedly heavy.

ONCE, as the Brethren returned after harvest-work to the monastery in the evening, and arrived at a place midway between the western plain of the island of Iona and our monastery,* they seemed each one to feel within himself something wonderful and unusual, which, however, they dared not speak of one to another. And so for some days, in the same place and at the same evening hour, they perceived it.

But in those days St Baithene was the superintendent of labours among them, and one day he spoke thus to them saying, “Now, Brothers, if ye unexpectedly experience anything unusual and wonderful in this place, half-way between the harvest field and the monastery, ye ought to declare it, each one of you.”

Then one of them, a senior,* says: “In these days past, and even now, I perceive some fragrance of a marvellous odour, as if that of all flowers collected into one; and also a certain burning as of fire, not painful, but as it were soothing.

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* The island of Iona, among the Inner Hebrides, lies just off the southwestern coast of Scotland. When St Oswald became king of Northumbria in 634, he sent for monks from Iona to evangelise his people. The first of them, Cormán, proved too exacting; the second, St Aidan, was no less firm but rather more patient and had much more success. See posts tagged Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne (1).

* That is, an Elder, a monk of wisdom and experience in the community to whom others look for guidance. The same word is used a little further on of Columba, the abbot.

* Baithéne mac Brénaind (534-?596-8), one of St Columba’s original companions. His feast day is June 9th; the village of Abbey St Bathans in Berwickshire, Scotland, is named after him. In English, Baithéne is pronounced Bay-theen, and Brenind rhymes with hind.


Every evening, the monks of Iona returned from fields on the far side of island. Halfway home, each one felt strange though pleasant sensations which, however, he did not mention to the others. When eventually Baithéne hinted that he too experienced something unusual, another Elder admitted to smelling a lovely fragrance and feeling a soothing warmth at that spot. (59 / 60 words)

Every evening, the monks of Iona returned from fields on the far side of island. Halfway home, each one felt strange though pleasant sensations which, however, he did not mention to the others. When eventually Baithéne hinted that he too experienced something unusual, another Elder admitted to smelling a lovely fragrance and feeling a soothing warmth at that spot.

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Sevens Based on this passage

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Where did these events take place?

Variations: 1.expand your answer to exactly fourteen words. 2.expand your answer further, to exactly twenty-one words. 3.include one of the following words in your answer: if, but, despite, because, (al)though, unless.

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Express the ideas below in a single sentence. Do not be satisfied with the first answer you think of; think of several, and choose the best.

The monastery stood on Iona’s eastern shore. The monks farmed on the western shore. A mile of moorland lay between.