
Richard Cobden

Richard Cobden MP was a Rochdale mill owner and textile manufacturer, who in the 1840s led the campaign to establish the United Kingdom as a free-trade nation. He was a vocal critic of British imperial policy, Russophobia, London’s ambitions as a global policeman, and American slavery.

There are twenty posts in The Copy Book tagged Richard Cobden. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Moral Case for Family Farms

Richard Cobden called on Parliament to support small, family-owned farms.


Picture: © Christine Matthews, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.


Character Counts!

Salesman Richard Cobden wondered why his employers left a full warehouse in his hands without any kind of security.


Picture: By Cyprian Norwid (1821–1883). Public domain.. Source.


The Making of a Great Citizen

Travelling salesman Richard Cobden was still in his twenties when he bought a loss-making mill for a hundred times his annual salary.


Picture: © Ian Taylor, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.


Pot and Kettle

Richard Cobden wondered how the architects of the British Empire had the nerve to accuse Russia of imperialism.


Picture: By Rock Brothers and Payne (London), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.


Statesman vs Politician

American journalist and poet WC Bryant numbered Richard Cobden MP among the world’s statesmen, not our politicians.


Picture: Via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.


A People Deserving of Respect

Richard Cobden deplored the way that politicians in Britain justified their wars abroad by portraying other countries as barbarous and backward.


Picture: © LMarianne, via the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm and Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.. Source.