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Discovery and Invention

Abel Tasman in New Zealand

The Dutch explorer ran across two islands in the Pacific of which Europeans knew nothing, but his chief desire was to get past them.

Lives of the Saints

Angels and Men Agree

The birth of Jesus Christ fundamentally changed the relationship between mankind and the angels.

Classical History

An Appeal to Philip Sober

A woman convicted of a crime she did not commit took her case to a higher power.

Lives of the Saints

The Investor of Nisibis

A woman advises her husband to entrust their modest savings to the bank of God.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and Hildemer’s Wife

Cuthbert’s friend comes asking for a priest to attend his dying wife — so long as it isn’t Cuthbert.

Scandinavian History

Athelstan and the Prince of Norway

Soon after Athelstan became England’s first king, he played a trick on the King of Norway which demanded a reply.