
Thomas Babington Macaulay

in The Copy Book

There are nine posts in The Copy Book credited to Thomas Babington Macaulay. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)


Popular Literature

When literary critics decide that a book is not worthy of their notice they expect the public to follow their lead, but ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ was different.


The Glory of Athens

Classical Greece has been an inspiration to every generation because she stands for the triumph of liberty and reason over prejudice and power.


The Liberty of Athens

The supreme arts and literature of ancient Athens all sprang from the State’s refusal to interfere in the life of the citizen.


The Blaze of Truth and Liberty

Macaulay recalled an Italian fable about a fairy doomed every now and then to take the form of a snake, and drew from her a lesson about Liberty.


Roses and Poor-Rates

When Robert Southey called for a fairer and greener economy, Thomas Macaulay warned that only politicians and bureaucrats would thank him.


The Good Reign of Bad King John

Lord Macaulay believed that the disastrous reign of King John brought the country together.