
Tales from the Bible

Tales from the Bible, including the parables of Jesus and the story of Esther.

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Joseph and Pharaoh

Pharaoh’s butler suddenly remembers his promise to mention Joseph to his master.


Joseph and the Missing Money

Joseph’s brothers are forced to travel to Egypt to buy corn, and the overseer of Pharaoh’s granaries recognises them at once.


Joseph and Benjamin’s Cup

Joseph thinks that little Benjamin may provide the leverage he needs to force Jacob to come to Egypt.


Joseph and the Land of Promise

Jacob takes his whole family to join Joseph in Egypt, but God promises him that one day they will return to Canaan.


Undoubting Thomas

Abbot Elfric praised St Thomas for demanding hard evidence for the resurrection.


Perilous Waters

King Saul’s jealousies drove those who loved him away, but David was a very different kind of leader.