
Extracts from Literature

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Bible and Saints

The Triumphal Entry

Will Langland, a contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer, dreams he is looking for his old friend Piers the Ploughman in Jerusalem just when Christ rides in on a donkey.

Extracts from Literature

On Top of the World

Maria Montessori takes some of her pupils up onto a roof terrace, and witnesses a eureka moment.

Bible and Saints

Gifts of the Spirit

Anglo-Saxon poet Cynewulf reminds us that God’s gifts to men are many and varied, and nobody ever gets them all.

Norman Era

England’s Lost Civilisation

Orderic Vitalis regrets the passing of a society far more refined and advanced than that which supplanted it.

Norman Era

Forgotten Melodies

When the Normans came in 1066 they deliberately destroyed English chant, the last survivor in Western Europe of a tradition five centuries old.

Sport and Sportsmen

A Chess Problem

Milne felt that chess was a game deserving of its place in the gallery of sports, but also that it had a drawback.