Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Queen Charlotte’s Christmas Tree

Cromwell’s killjoys almost silenced the English Christmas, but thanks to a royal family tradition the message is still being proclaimed.


The ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688

King James II was forced off the throne in favour of his daughter Mary, and a new English constitution was born.


St Nicholas and the Luckless Sailor

After surviving a terrible storm, a crew-member on St Nicholas’s ship met with a tragic accident.


The Return of Plum Pudding

The Puritans said it was unfit for God-fearing men, but George I thought it fit for a King.


John Playford

In England’s brief but dismal experiment as a Republic, Playford saved traditional English dance music from destruction.


The Miracle of St John of the Caves

The story of an unexpected escape through the heart of a hill.