
Scandinavian History

in The Copy Book

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The Conversion of Norway

Kings of Norway educated in England drew on the experience of English clergy to establish Christianity in their own land.


The Martyrdom of St Edmund the King

Edmund, King of the East Angles, is given a stark choice by the Viking warrior who has ravaged his realm.


The Luck of the Draw

Harald Hardrada made sure that his fate was never out of his own hands.


Athelstan and the Prince of Norway

Soon after Athelstan became England’s first king, he played a trick on the King of Norway which demanded a reply.


Olaf Tryggvason and the Pigsty

Olaf hears that the ruler of Norway has lost the support of his noblemen, and sails away from England to claim his crown.


The Baptism of Olaf Tryggvason

Viking raider Olaf Tryggvason, taking a break on the Isles of Scilly, cannot resist the temptation to hear his fortune told.