
Myths and Legends

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Greek and Roman Myths

Perseus and the Gorgon

When Polydectes, King of Seriphos, sent Perseus to get the Gorgon’s head, he hoped the boy would never come back.

Greek and Roman Myths

Jason and the Golden Fleece

A political rival sends Jason on a hopeless errand, to fetch the golden fleece.

British Myths and Legends

William Tell

A classic tale from Switzerland of overbearing authority and a father with a very steady hand.

British Myths and Legends

William of Cloudsley

William is Cumbria’s very own blend of Robin Hood and William Tell - with a happy ending, too.

Greek and Roman Myths

Theseus and the Minotaur

A warning not to be forgetful of others, even in triumph.

Greek and Roman Myths

Perseus and Andromeda

Wielding the Gorgon’s head, Perseus saves a beautiful maiden from a ravening sea-monster.