Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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St Bede and the Singing Stones

The Northumbrian monk is duped into wasting one of his beautifully-crafted sermons on a row of dumb rocks.


St Wilfrid and the Fishers of Men

Driven out of Northumbria, Bishop Wilfrid goes to the south coast and saves a kingdom from starvation.


A Tax on Companionship

William Windham MP was appalled at the idea of levying a tax on man’s best friend.


The Liverpool and Manchester Railway

Businessmen in Liverpool engaged George Stephenson to build one of his new-fangled railways.


An Incorrigible Fanatic

William Wilberforce told Parliament that the more his opponents slandered him, the more he was sure he was winning.


The Winter Queen

Conspiracies and dynastic expectations swirled around James I’s daughter from the age of nine.