Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Fiddling While Rome Burns

In 64, Nero watched on with fascination as Rome was consumed by fire — the Emperor’s idea of performance art.


The Annunciation to Mary

An angel appeared to Mary in her home in Nazareth, and offered her the chance to be part of nothing less than the reopening of the doors of Paradise.


Top Banana

It was during the troubled reign of Charles I that the very first bananas seen in Britain went on display.


The Battle of Trafalgar

A year into his reign as Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte had much of Europe under his government but the United Kingdom still eluded him.


‘Kings in Our Own Right’

Two former soldiers in India find British bureaucracy cramps their style, so they set off to become kings of their own land.


Two Lions

Walter Raleigh had many grievances against James VI and I, but for peace with Scotland he was willing to forget them all.