Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Sunderland Albion

A fierce Victorian rivalry sprang up between two football teams from the industrial heartlands of the North East.


A Test of Loyalty

A Roman general asks his officers to decide where their priorities lie.


The Girl in the Barn

Ten British POWs in German-occupied Poland decide to help a young Jewish woman escape the SS and a death march to the sea.


The Waters of Strife

After more than a month in the wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula, Moses finds that the Israelites are growing rebellious.


Stone Tablets and a Golden Calf

Even as Moses is in the presence of God receiving the Ten Commandments, the people down below are already breaking the first of them.


‘Who is on the Lord’s Side?’

Moses comes down from Mount Sinai with a constitution for a holy nation, to find it already broken.