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# Hymns

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# Hymns

Lichfield Cathedral. © Thomas Quine. CC BY-SA 2.0.
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Hymns 41 posts

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Modern Hymns

Son of God, If Thy Free Grace

Charles Wesley prays for God to stop at nothing to make sure that he comes safely ashore in the Promised Land.

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Modern Hymns

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

However dark the night of doubt, day is sure to come.

Modern Hymns

He That Is Down Needs Fear No Fall

As Mr Great-heart guides his companions into the Valley of Humiliation, he bids them listen to the song of a shepherd boy.

Modern Hymns

Son of God, If Thy Free Grace

Charles Wesley prays for God to stop at nothing to make sure that he comes safely ashore in the Promised Land.

Modern Hymns

Who Would True Valour See

Mr Valiant-for-Truth reflects on what is needed for a Christian on the way to his reward.

Modern Hymns

Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin?

Charles Wesley is bursting with the good news of salvation, but for a moment finds himself at a loss for words.

Modern Hymns

Father of Everlasting Grace

A hymn to God asking him to send his Holy Spirit on us, and make us fit to sing with the choir of saints in heaven.