The Authorised Version

The King James Bible of 1611

The Authorised Version

The King James Bible of 1611
The pulpit, Worcester Cathedral. © Gary Ullah. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Comfortable Words
The Authorised Version The Gospel in Straightforward English


About the AV

The making of the Authorised Version, the supreme achievement of modern English literature, and a masterclass in straightforward English.

The Old Testament

A list of the books of the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi. Beginning with Adam, they trace the series of covenants made and renewed between God and his chosen, including Noah, Abraham, Jacob (Israel), Moses and David.

The Apocrypha

A list of the books of the Apocrypha, from Esdras to Maccabees. Though not found in the Hebrew Scriptures, they were in the Greek translation and were quoted on important matters by Jesus Christ and his Apostles.

The New Testament

A list of the books of the New Testament, from Matthew to Revelation. They declare God’s covenants with Abraham, Moses and David renewed in Jesus Christ, and promise to all through him the light of life and everlasting Day.

The Psalms

Translations of the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament by Myles Coverdale and Nahum Tate, and selections by St Bede, St Ambrose of Optina and St Theophan the Recluse.

Readings from the Bible

Short extracts from the Bible, intended for practice in reading aloud.


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