Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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‘What Shall I Do?’

John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ opens with Christian wondering how to convince his wife that their town and their family are in immediate danger.


Free to Grow

Edmond Holmes, a former inspector of schools, reported back to the Board of Education on a pioneering system being developed in Italy.


Lilies of the Field

Norman Leys complained that policymakers in Africa were interested more in training loyal and industrious workers than in nurturing free peoples.


The Conversion of Guthlac

Inspired by an avid interest in English warrior heroes, the fifteen-year-old Guthlac recruited a band of freebooting militiamen.


Guthlac, Pega and the Blind Boatman

St Pega welcomed a royal servant with a serious eye condition to the monastery founded by her brother, St Guthlac.


Mauled by a Lion

The villagers of Mabutso in Southern Africa begged Dr David Livingstone to rid them of a menacing pride of lions.