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Free Trade and Markets

‘Not to Exploit, Sir, but to Help’

Herbert Bury believed that it was the British way to profit with another country, not to profit from it.

Norman Era

Rope Trick

When Ranulf Flambard, Bishop of Durham, became the Tower of London’s first prisoner he did not intend making a long stay.

Lives of the Saints

Dear Elizabeth

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna was a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria, but to one ordinary Russian she was simply ‘dear Elizabeth’.

Discovery and Invention

The Birth of the Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell was heading for a dead end when a broken component showed him the way.

Russian History

Peter and Fevronia

Beneath a clutter of mediaeval legend lies a heartwarming tale of a Russian Prince and his peasant bride.

Biographical Extracts


A doctor is wondering how to apologise for being drunk on the job, when he receives a letter from his patient.