
Extracts from Literature

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Poets and Poetry

Christmas Bells

The sounds of an English country Christmas helped Tennyson in his deep mourning for an old friend.

Liberty and Prosperity

The ‘Empire’ of Free Trade

Free trade brings to smaller nations all the advantages of empire without the disadvantages.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Servants of One Master

Some people are not more equal than others, nor are they entitled to more life and liberty.

Liberty and Prosperity

Man Was Not Made for the Government

Good government is not about enforcing uniform order, but about maximising liberty among a particular people.

Liberty and Prosperity

A Little Common Sense

William Pitt the Elder doubts the wisdom of letting experts run the country.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Bond of Liberty

Edmund Burke told fellow MPs that the only way to unite the peoples of the Empire was for London to set them an enviable example.