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Lives of the Saints

St Edith’s Thumb

The way Edith kept tracing little crosses with her thumb made a great impression on Archbishop Dunstan.

Lives of the Saints

The Character of St Edith of Wilton

Edith of Wilton may have been the daughter of King, but she did not behave like one in the Abbey or the town.

Lives of the Saints

Apparel Oft Proclaims the Man

An austere Bishop of Winchester scolded St Edith for her comely nun’s habit, but the young woman’s eyes saw further than his.

Liberty and Prosperity

Jerusalem in England

Blake throws heart and soul into an impassioned expression of his dream of a new England.

Scottish History

A Parliament for Scotland

Self-confessed Scottish Nationalist John Buchan warned Scots that there was more to democratic prosperity than having a Parliament.

Stuart Era

The Doctor Will Fleece You Now

Richard Steele goes to Bath for his health, and is cured of more ailments than he had ever had in his life.