
Tales from the Bible

Tales from the Bible, including the parables of Jesus and the story of Esther.

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The History of Susannah

A young Jewish woman in ancient Babylon falls victim to a heartless conspiracy.


Redeemed for Five Shillings

Elfric, the tenth-century English abbot, suggests a practical way of thinking about the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.


The Judgment of Solomon

The tenth-century King of Israel demonstrated his legendary wisdom in a delicate custody battle.


The Story of Esther

A young Jewish girl is chosen as the Queen of Persia, but quickly finds she has enemies.


Daniel and the Priests of Bel

An apparent miracle is revealed as sleight-of-hand.


The Story of Pentecost

Jesus’s apostles receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, and the startling effects quickly draw a crowd.