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Liberty and Prosperity

A Policeman’s Lot

The Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police reiterated that what they liked best was a policeman who never arrested anyone.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Letter of the Law

After witnessing a bus conductor’s battle of wills with the London public, journalist Alfred Gardiner felt obliged to give him a little advice.

Armistice Day

The Unknown Warrior

On the day that the Unknown Warrior was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey, ‘Alpha of the Plough’ wondered if the country would prove worthy of him.

The United States of America

A Moral and Religious People

John Adams, the second President of the USA, told army officers in Massachusetts that the Constitution he had helped to draw up could not guarantee them liberty.

Liberty and Prosperity

Democracy in Europe

Events in Italy and Austria seemed to be bringing the day ever closer when a European democracy would vote herself into oblivion.

Liberty and Prosperity

A Backward Step

As William Lecky watched the rapid spread of socialism across the European Continent, he was struck by a powerful sense of déjà vu.