Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Oh Hame Fain Wad I Be!

A cat moved home from Edinburgh to Glasgow and seemed to settle in nicely, but it turned out she was only biding her time.


True Colours

The Russian Consul in New York issued a stern rebuke to those trying to break Britain’s ban on slave-trading by sailing under his nation’s colours.


Carry Opinion With You

Britain’s first qualified female doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, had a message for the first women to study for London University’s degree in medicine.


A Gallant Attempt for the Crown

Only months after kidnapping the Duke of Ormond, Irish radical Thomas Blood was at it again, this time attempting to steal the Crown Jewels.


Three Criminal Types

Karl Philipp Moritz described three kinds of criminal in Georgian England, from the gentlemanly cutpurse to the deadly footpad.


Fatal Counsel

King Edmund Ironside’s courageous defence of his crown against the invading Danes was undermined by treachery at home.