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International Relations

A Passion for Meddling

Richard Cobden questioned both the wisdom and the motives of politicians who intervene on foreign soil.


Left Holding the Baby

A gentleman travelling home from London by train reached his destination carrying more than he set out with.

Richard Cobden

An Aristocracy of Mere Wealth

Richard Cobden was not a little envious of the USA’s open and can-do society, but he did not covet her republicanism.


Economic Illiteracy

If Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli really wanted a better-educated public, he must tackle the high cost of living.

The Hundred Years’ War

The Siege of Saint-James

Henry VI’s campaign to confirm himself as King of France looked to be in trouble after the Duke of Brittany switched sides.

Liberty and Prosperity

Fuel of Freedom

Victorian economist Alfred Marshall argued that it was no accident that free societies and coal-powered industries are found together.