Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Best Laid Plans

Louis XIV picked up the reins of power in France vowing to to drive the national economy in the common interest, not his own.


The Story of Ruth

Naomi lost her husband and two sons in Moab, and returned to Bethlehem with only one comfort in her bitterness, her daughter-in-law Ruth.


Inordinate Saving

Samuel Smiles warned that taking care of the pennies should not come before taking care of living.


An Unpopular Popular Reform

Statesmen promise to make the country a better place, but they never mention the one thing that would do some good.



Amy Johnson of Hull had clocked only ninety hours of flying experience before taking off alone for Australia.


Lady Harriet’s Errand

On the evening of October 7th, 1777, as fighting on Bemis Heights subsided, Harriet Acland came to General Burgoyne with a startling request.