
Lives of the Saints

in The Copy Book

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St George the Triumphant Martyr

One of the Emperor Galerius’s most trusted generals openly defied him.


High Beneath Heaven’s Roof

The Cross of Christ speaks, and tells of the amazing transformation from sign of shame to sign of redemption.


St Aidan Returns King Penda’s Fire

When Penda tried to burn down Bamburgh Castle, St Aidan turned the pagan King’s own weapons against him.


St Patrick of Ireland

After escaping from six years as a slave in Ireland, Patrick wanted only one thing: to go back.


King Edwin and the Hand of Destiny

Forced from his throne and threatened with murder, Edwin makes a curious bargain for his deliverance.


Caedmon Learns to Sing

A shy and unmusical stable-hand suddenly began to sing wise and moving hymns.