Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Peace By Free Trade

The blessing of trade free from political interference was one of most important insights in British, indeed world history.


The Peasants’ Revolt

In 1381, fourteen-year-old King Richard II was faced with a popular uprising against excessive taxation and government meddling in the labour market.


Perfection is no Trifle

Michelangelo had a message for all serious entrepreneurs.


Perseus and Andromeda

Wielding the Gorgon’s head, Perseus saves a beautiful maiden from a ravening sea-monster.


The Persistence of Thomas Clarkson

Today, the slave trade is a £150bn global business. Back in the late 18th century, it was making a lot of influential people very rich too, but some in England were determined to stop it.


Richard Arkwright

Arkwright invented the factory, without which modern life would be impossible.