Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A Lullaby to Sorrows

A Scottish widow’s lullaby for her fatherless child inspired his music, but Brahms’s message struck closer to home.


A Man called ‘Beta’

For a perennial ‘runner-up’, Eratosthenes had a peculiar knack of being first.


The Martyrdom of St James the Great

James, brother of John the Evangelist, was executed for his faith by a close friend of the Emperor Caligula.


The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

When Parliament sent the Army against American colonists, people still calling themselves ‘British’ had to decide very quickly what that meant to them.


The Miracle of Piso Livadi

Three fishermen let their tongues run away with them, and were left counting the cost.


Mrs Bold’s Thunderclap

There comes a point in some relationships when words just aren’t enough.