Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Stockton and Darlington Railway

The little County Durham line built by George Stephenson and his son Robert was the place where the world’s railway infrastructure really began.


The Story of Pentecost

Jesus’s apostles receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, and the startling effects quickly draw a crowd.


The Music of the Spheres

Sir William Herschel not only discovered Uranus and infrared radiation, but composed two dozen symphonies as well.


A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Hermia and her lover Lysander elope from Athens, only to become tangled with squabbling fairies in the woods.


The Gift of the Gab

There was one form of power that self-taught engineering genius George Stephenson never harnessed.


The Siren ‘Greatness’

In encouraging women into music, Alice Mary Smith thought promises of ‘greatness’ counterproductive.