Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Voyage of the ‘Golden Hinde’

Elizabethan adventurer Sir Francis Drake combined sailing round the world with really annoying the King of Spain.


Christmas Bells

The sounds of an English country Christmas helped Tennyson in his deep mourning for an old friend.


Wenceslaus: A Life for a Life

By Divine providence, the shocking murder of Good King Wenceslas led to a flowering of Christian faith in Europe.


How Britain Brought Football to Chile

British expats in Valparaíso kicked off the Chilean passion for soccer.


Gytha and Vladimir

Scandinavian tradition says that the daughter of King Harold was consort to one the great rulers of Kievan Rus’.


The Bond of Liberty

Edmund Burke told fellow MPs that the only way to unite the peoples of the Empire was for London to set them an enviable example.