Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Taken for a Ride

Richard Hannay sees for himself how political activists trick decent people into supporting their quest for power.


The Darien Scheme

The Parliament of Scotland tried to liberate itself from London’s strangling single market.


His Bright Nativity

Anglo-Saxon poet Cynewulf wonders at the mystery of the Bethlehem manger, where all the light of heaven was shining.


The Voyage of the ‘Mayflower’

A crackdown on dissent in England’s established Church drove a band of Nottinghamshire townspeople to seek new shores.


Great Mother of Men

The spread of Western civilisation must not be credited to European policy, but to a culture of curiosity, enterprise and defiance.


Portrait of a Lady

Edmund Burke takes time off from campaigning for liberty to reflect on the delights of captivity.