
Political Extracts

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Georgian Era

Raw Haste

The French revolution failed because real liberty cannot be enforced overnight, or indeed enforced at all.

The First World War

The Garden and the Machine

John Buchan compared how the Germans and the British understood their empires, and saw two very different pictures indeed.

The First World War

The Avengers

John Buchan was moved by the way the nations of the British Empire volunteered for service in the Great War.

Liberty and Prosperity

Hard Rain

Some likened tax-and-spend to a refreshing shower of rain, but for William Cobbett the rain wasn’t falling mainly on the plain man.

Character and Conduct

‘Never Trust Experts’

Lord Salisbury seeks to calm the Viceroy of India’s nerves in the face of anti-Russian hysteria.

International Relations

The Supreme Indignity

Lord Salisbury tells his fellow statesmen that no country should have its laws dictated from abroad.