Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A doctor is wondering how to apologise for being drunk on the job, when he receives a letter from his patient.


Duet for a Captive King

Legend tells how Richard the Lionheart’s favourite singer found where Leopold of Austria had stowed him.


Richard Unchained

A conspiracy of European monarchs sought to delay Richard the Lionheart’s homecoming long enough for John to steal his crown.


Byron and the Black Horse

The flamboyant English poet went to extreme lengths to get a refund on an unsatisfactory purchase.


Wrath Reawakened

During the Orlov Revolt of 1769, Greek islanders get their hands on a copy of Homer’s epic tale of Troy.


The Quiet Revolutionary

As Viceroy of India, Lord Ripon was rather more popular with the people of India than he was with some of his own civil servants.