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Lives of the Saints

Not a Scratch!

Hapless extremists try to wipe out a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary.

Indian History

Wellington’s Secret

The future hero of Waterloo dealt with political ambush as comfortably as he dealt with the military kind.

Character and Conduct

A True Gentleman of Verona

A young man from the Italian city on the Adige River demonstrates that class has nothing to do with wealth.

Character and Conduct

Triumph in Adversity

Two famous figures, one from the sciences and one from the arts, who turned suffering to advantage.

Liberty and Prosperity

Straightforward English

If freedom and democracy are to have any meaning, the public must be able to talk back to their governors.

Liberty and Prosperity

Violet van der Elst

An eccentric, self-made businesswoman, who ‘made three fortunes and spent five’ in the campaign against the death penalty.