Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Niobe’s Tears

Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, was so proud of her fourteen children that she brazenly claimed the privileges of a goddess.


Hearts of Steel

The Maharaja of Jodhpur called on his subjects to do their bit and stop the Nazis.


New Purpose

Two British spies look out over war-torn Belgrade, and find the inspiration they need to go on with their dangerous mission.


A Light to Lighten the English

Even before he was born, St Dunstan was marked out to lead the English Church and nation to more peaceful times.



A February celebration for which the faithful have brought candles to church since Anglo-Saxon times.


The Setting of Edith’s Star

Edith left behind her a distraught Archbishop Dunstan, but also a legacy of love for the suffering.