Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Striking Water

An Albanian shepherd plans to expand into arable farming, but he needs water and the search is close to ruining him.


Hugh Hammer-King

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, was kind to children and animals but Kings merited firmer handling.


One Man and his Dog

English explorer Major Edmund Lockyer tries to buy a puppy in Queensland, but ends up paying the owner to keep him.


Virtue in Rags and Patches

Charles Dickens explains to the young men of Boston MA what it is that motivates him to write.


β€˜To the Heights!’

St Gregory Palamas struggled all his life to stand up for the principle that the Bible means what it says.


The Beautiful Side of the Picture

Heathen prince Boris I of Bulgaria (r. 852–889) commissioned St Methodius to paint an impressive scene for his palace walls.